Pledge Allegiance

Mint an OG DAO NFT to pledge allegiance to the gang.

Listen up gangstaz, get real and check this out. You want in? Read the instructions and don 't mess this up.

Mint Date: End of January Price: $300 Collection Size: 300

Take your seat at the table by minting one of the 300 Ski Masks that will drop onto Solana late January 2023.

The real Gangstaz will receive their HitList role within Discord. This gives you the opportunity to join us at the table. We will not waste your time with things like over subscribing the HitList, so you will need to commit.

There are no initiation ceremonies, or shedding blood, just a small fee of $30 USD. This will 100% secure your DAO seat allocation. When you mint to claim your seat at the table, this initial $30 is taken off the mint price. However, choose not to mint, for whatever reason, then your fee is forfeited. No time wasters welcomed. Let's get it!

Last updated