The Streets

In-game Marketplace. Everything is tradeable.

What is a Gangsta without his bling and weapons? Nothing but a puny punk. Hit The Streets, and find that perfect piece to deliver payback, or that sweet ice to impress your allies.

Buying that dope gear on The Streets is going to cost you $STREET for the basic stuff; but if you want the good stuff you are going to need to trade your $CRED.

The Streets is not just for buying the things you need, its also to sell your old gear to other gangstas when you no longer want it. One gangsta referred to streets as the Black Market eBay. Loose lips cost dearly. Those running The Streets took offense and that Gangsta ain't making jokes anymore.

Missing $STREET or $CRED because you are broke? Head to the Back Alley for some shady deals.

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